About Grace Gala
The Grace Centre for Newborn Intensive Care which is The Children’s Hospital at Westmead’s Newborn Intensive Care Unit, the Cerebral Palsy Alliance Research Foundation and Sydney Children's Hospitals Foundation will once again come together to host the Grace Gala.
Both organisations are household names, loved and respected for their work and their long history of commitment to the wellbeing of babies and children.
The Grace Centre for Newborn Intensive Care delivers complex medical and surgical care to extremely sick newborn babies from NSW, the ACT and the Pacific Rim.
These babies are born with conditions that need immediate stabilisation and treatment, which often involves very complicated surgery on tiny bodies. Babies with conditions like complex congenital heart disease, remediable congenital malformations and medical conditions are flown to the unit within hours of birth to receive care not available anywhere else in the state. The care provided is literally the difference between life and death. As the Grace Centre for Newborn Intensive Care has gotten better at saving babies lives, our focus has moved to improving the quality of these lives.
Cerebral Palsy Alliance (formally known as The Spastic Centre) is the oldest organisation in the world dedicated to the care of people living with cerebral palsy. Every year it looks after more than 4000 people whose lives have been affected in almost every detail by cerebral palsy. It is still a sad fact that every 15 hours a child in Australia is born with CP. The Cerebral Palsy Alliance has met the day to day needs of people living with cerebral palsy and their families for over 75 years.

Grace Gala 2024